libmxidaf_py Reference

Value Types

class libmxidaf_py.Tag

Tag object. Modeled on a reading value.

__init__((Value)value, (Time)at, (str)unit) → object


at() → Time

Gets the tag timestamp.

unit() → str

Gets the unit value.

value() → Value

Gets the tag value.

class libmxidaf_py.Value

Represents a reading value. Can be an integer, unsigned integer, float, or string. Use the is_*() functions to determine the value type. Use the as_*() functions to retrieve the actual value.

__init__((object)value) → object


__str__() → str
as_bytearray() → object
as_float() → float
as_int() → int
as_string() → str
as_uint() → int
is_bytearray() → bool
is_float() → bool
is_int() → bool
is_string() → bool
is_uint() → bool
class libmxidaf_py.Time

Represents a time point in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) with millisecond-level accuracy.

__init__((int)year, (int)month, (int)day, (int)hour, (int)minute, (int)second, (int)millisec) → object


__str__() → str
day() → int
hour() → int
millisec() → int
minute() → int
month() → int
static now() → Time [STATIC]
second() → int
year() → int


class libmxidaf_py.TagV2

Tag Library V2.


Raises an exception This class cannot be instantiated from Python

static instance() → TagV2 [STATIC]

Get a TagV2 instance.

publish((str)equipment_name, (str)tag_name, (Tag)tag) → None

Publish the tag associated with the given equipment_name/tag_name.

subscribe((str)equipment_name, (str)tag_name) → None

Subscribe to a tag.

subscribe_callback((object)on_tag_callback) → None

Register a callback function for a new Tag.

unsubscribe((str)equipment_name, (str)tag_name) → None

Unsubscribe from a tag.

enable_publish_in_dst((bool)enable) → None

Enable/Disable day light saving effect to the publishing UTC timestamp.


class libmxidaf_py.Modbus

Provides access to the Modbus object instance.


Raises an exception This class cannot be instantiated from Python

static instance() → Modbus [STATIC]

Gets the Modbus object instance.

read((str)equipment_name, (str)tag_name[, (int)timeout_ms]) → Tag

Provides read access to the Modbus object instance.

write((str)equipment_name, (str)tag_name, (Tag)tag[, (int)timeout_ms]) → None

Provides write access to the Modbus object instance.

Indices and tables