Bundle Programming

ThingsPro Cloud Gateway provides the RESTful APIs required to create a device management and data acquisition framework. By creating a custom bundle, developers can extend the existing capabilities of the RESTful APIs using their own endpoints.


Do's and Don'ts

Before you start creating your own bundle, here are some basic guidelines.


  1. Configure the existing application or daemon and restart to apply the new configuration.
  2. Create a RESTful endpoint using the existing ThingsPro Cloud Gateway Web Service.
  3. Integrate with ThingsPro Cloud Gateway API token management function.
  4. Respond to messages as soon as possible.


  1. Don't monitoring values by sending high-frequency requests to RESTful endpoints.
  2. Don't override the existing resources.
  3. Don't process long running jobs in a bundle.

Creating Your First Bundle Program

Replace the IP address in the instructions below with the IP address of your ThingsPro Cloud Gateway.

  1. Login using ssh moxa@ and change to root sudo su.

  2. Download the sample bundle and decompress it.

  3. Execute the bundle using cd sanji-bundle-example && python index.py.

root@Moxa:/home/moxa/sanji-bundle-example# python index.py
2017-03-13 18:54:14,452 - DEBUG - 33 - Model: example config has been loaded.
2017-03-13 18:54:14,461 - DEBUG - 96 - Custom init start
2017-03-13 18:54:14,468 - DEBUG - 98 - Custom init finish
2017-03-13 18:54:14,475 - DEBUG - 228 - Thread pool is created
2017-03-13 18:54:14,479 - DEBUG - 63 - Start connecting to broker
2017-03-13 18:54:14,502 - DEBUG - 335 - Connection established with result code 0
2017-03-13 18:54:17,376 - DEBUG - 89 - Unsubscribe: ('c60b3b12913c426e9342c635becc5239',)
2017-03-13 18:54:17,383 - DEBUG - 98 - Subscribe: ('c60b3b12913c426e9342c635becc5239',)
2017-03-13 18:54:17,523 - DEBUG - 422 - Deregister successfully example tunnel: None
2017-03-13 18:54:17,594 - DEBUG - 422 - Deregister successfully example-view tunnel: None
2017-03-13 18:54:17,651 - DEBUG - 98 - Subscribe: ('128916389',)
2017-03-13 18:54:17,654 - DEBUG - 410 - Register successfully example tunnel: 128916389
2017-03-13 18:54:17,656 - DEBUG - 377 - example-view no need to register due to no resources
  1. Test the RESTful API using the postman extension.
    1. Get an API token
      • From the token file: cat /etc/mx-api-token
      • From the ThingsPro Web Console: Log in using the root account. Click on the Token link in the main menu and press the Add Token button.
    2. Copy the token string.
    3. Launch the postman extension using Chrome.
    4. Send a GET request to the API using GET
    5. Paste the token string in the mx-api-token field.
    6. Click the Send button.

Bundle Reference


  "name": "example",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "author": "Your Name Here",
  "email": "example@com.com",
  "description": "Description of this bundle",
  "license": "GPL",
  "main": "index.py",
  "argument": "",
  "priority": 99,
  "hook": [],
  "dependencies": {},
  "repository": "",
  "role": "model",
  "ttl": 60,
  "resources": [
      "methods": ["get", "put"],
      "resource": "/example"
  • name
    • Name of this bundle, format: [A-Za-z-]+
  • version
    • Version number. recommend use:
  • author
    • Author name
  • email
    • Author's email
  • description
    • Description of this bundle
  • license
    • MIT, GPL, BSD, etc.
  • main
    • fixed value: index.py
  • argument
    • Reserved field
  • priority
    • Reserved field
  • hook
    • Reserved field
  • dependencies
    • Reserved field
  • repository
    • Reserved field
  • role
    • fixed value: model
  • ttl
    • Time to live (unit: second). This bundle should always response within n seconds.
  • resources
    • method
      • Single method: get, put, post,delete
      • Array of methods: ["get", "post]
    • Resource
      • Endpoint of this bundle

The /api/v1 prefix is automatically added to the final resources.


Refer to the comments in index.py.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""